Erika Lipmanolms Ai Ci Program

2017 Lot 507 Flush

Erika lipmanolms ai ci program reviews

Erika Lipmanolms Ai Ci Programs


Erika Lipmanolms Ai Ci Programming

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Erika Lipmanolms Ai Ci Program Reviews

posted Mar 21, 2017, 10:44 AM by Erika Cotton [ updated Mar 21, 2017, 10:45 AM]

Erika Lipmanolms Ai Ci Program Pdf

Lot 507 Flush:

Margaret of Volga 0507 (AAA 15178651)

507 boasts a CI of 11@362 days, with a WR of 9@110 and YR of9@110. What makes her even morespecial? For starters, she’s an Alapdaughter out of a double-bred Leonid and double-bred 149.

Let’s take a look at her successes as a producer thesepast years:

-Her first calf was a Legend offspring, purchasedby Triebwasser Farms and still working hard as a 10 year old, as expected.

-A year later she gave birth after a full sibmating…I named her bull calf Mojo of Volga, and have use him extensively in myherd. He has 25 daughters in productionand is Aberdeen Angus through and through.

-The 3rd year, I decided to do anotherfull sib mating with Moofassa and we celebrated with the birth of the 901 calfwho has been a tremendous cow and still having babies.

-We welcomed her bull calf Maxamillion of Volgawho is my self-made Leonid son. Max hasfathered so many great bulls and females alike. Bred back to 9 of his own daughters, proving out the absence of conditions. This bull proves his worth every year, and hisfemales have perfect udders, feet and legs.

-The 5th year, her calf dies of coccidiosisaccording to the SDSU Diagnostic Lab. Thankfully, I put 753’s freemartin twin on her and she did a great job raisinghim, didn’t skip a beat. The freemartinwas delicious by the way.

-Breeding back right on time, she gave birth toher 6th calf, a big nutted, highly productive Larkan son who I soldto Triebwasser Farms. That bull is stillin use and excelling at 5 years of age.

-507’s next calf was a bull calf I named Midlandof Volga, a son of Rito 36. This bull islike none other in the history of Cotton Angus. He matured at 2450#, and notably adds stretch and bone yet gives thefemininity from his mother to his offspring. (semen available)

-Her 8th pregnancy deliveredMasterpiece of Volga, an E31 son. Hewent all sorts of crazy with a weaning index of 124 and a yearling index of112. Masterpiece was sold to MikeLangbehn on our production sale in 2015 for $15,000. Masterpiece is popular, has calves in 7 herdsto date and growing. He’s producingawesome big gutted cattle that will have impressive longevity. (semenavailable)

-Her 9th bull calf was sired byRambler of Volga. Named Mc Combie ofVolga, he’s our freshest son in our program. I will be passing out cigars this spring to celebrate the arrival of hisfirst calf crop. I have every confidencehe’ll meet or exceed my expectations and am just giddy to get daughters inproduction!

-507’s 10! 10! 10th Calf in the springof 2016 was FINALLY a heifer, and an E31 daughter at that. That heifer weaned at 618# and indexed122. What on earth will I breed thislittle beauty to? Stay tuned!!

-And could this be a new trend?? Her 11th calf was again a prettylittle E31 daughter that I’m just as jack’d about as her full sister from lastyear. I hope you’re as excited as I am!

This exceptional female is showing no signs of slowingdown. I am offering her as a flushbecause I want her to have the possibility for as many progeny aspossible. So many of you have askedabout her and expressed interest…this is the best way I can think of to shareher but not sell her. She’s been soimportant to the success of Cotton Angus and I’m passionate and confident inthe benefits she can bring to your program.

Flush Terms and Conditions:

Guaranteeing sixGrade 1 embryos out of Margaret of Volga 0507 (AAA 15178651) flushed by amutually agreed upon technician local to Cotton Angus. Buyer supplies the semen at their cost includingshipping. Cost of Flush is at theSeller’s expense. Embryo Transfer is atthe cost of the Buyer, including insurance and shipping from the Flushfacility. Any additional Embryos will be offered to the Buyer and can bepurchased by the Buyer at the prorated price. Buyer forfeits all interest inEmbryos that are not purchased by the Buyer. Guarantee includes 3 successful pregnanciesif transferred by a certified technician. Flush will be available after April 30, 2017.